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Crossword #1

Este é o primeiro passatempo do Jornal LPP.

This is LPP Newspaper's first competition. We hope you enjoy it!

If you have suggestions for words and clues to include in future editions, or if you simply want to leave your feedback, get in touch on Discord or by email at [email protected].

An important note: this game was designed with the new spelling agreement in mind.

The crossword is exclusive to the print edition of LPP. You can access the online version with a subscription Membro LPP, Assinatura LPP – Online, Anual, Assinatura LPP – Online, Bianual, Assinatura LPP – Online+Papel, Anual or Assinatura LPP – Online+Papel, Bianual. If you are already a subscriber, do log in.


Are you playing but not getting there? Need a hand?

Find clues in these articles: