Accessibility can be defined as the ability of the medium to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to use it, in a direct, immediate, permanent and as autonomous way as possible.
Experience shows that accessible spaces, buildings and services are generally more functional, safer and more comfortable for all users. Accessibility is therefore an objective quality factor, and its promotion should be seen as an opportunity for qualification.
The term "Pedestrian Accessibility" refers specifically to the accessibility experienced by those on foot or in wheelchairs on public roads.
The Law
Accessibility is indispensable for the accomplishment of several rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic: to Education, to Culture, to Sports and to Housing, among others. That's why the existence of barriers to Accessibility is today considered a discriminatory practice, forbidden and punishable by Law.
The legal and regulatory requirements in this matter are defined, namely:
Lisbon's Pedestrian Accessibility Plan (PAP) was prepared in 2013 and approved by the Municipal Assembly on February 18, 2014. The goal of the PAP is to assist the City Council's action in making the city accessible to all people.
O LPP / Lisbon For People é um jornal local dedicado à cidade e à área metropolitana de Lisboa, editado de forma totalmente independente e sem fins lucrativos. Com uma edição em papel e outra online.