European Commission chooses Lisbon to be carbon neutral by 2030

The Portuguese capital will participate along with Porto and Guimarães in the European Union's Mission Cities. It was one of the 100 cities chosen.

Lisbon Photography For People

Lisbon, Porto and Guimarães are three of the 100 cities selected by the European Commission (EC) to participate in the Mission Citiesa challenge launched by the European Union (EU) to promote climate neutral and smart cities by 2030 across Europe. The 100 cities chosen will receive institutional support and funding from the EU through the research and innovation program Horizon Europe and may serve as inspiration for other European cities in their transition to climate neutrality by 2050. In the Lisbon Metropolitan Area had competed five municipalities and from Portugal there were 18 applications.

The 100 selected cities (image courtesy of CE)

75 % of EU citizens live in urban areas. Globally, urban areas consume more than 65 % of the world's energy and are responsible for more than 70 % of the world's CO2. "The ecological transition is advancing all over Europe. But pioneers with even bolder goals are always needed. These cities will pave the way to a healthier future, so you can count on our support right now. Let's get to work today.says Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EC, in a statement.

Between 2022 and 2023, the Mission Cities will receive 360 million euros from the program Horizon Europein order to be able to start on innovative paths to climate neutrality by 2030 in the 100 selected cities. Research and innovation actions will focus on the sectors of clean mobility, energy efficiency and green urban planning, and will enable the development of joint initiatives and the strengthening of collaborative efforts in synergy with other EU programs.

Cities will benefit from specific advice and assistance provided by a dedicated platform managed by NetZeroCitiesThey will be offered additional funding opportunities and will have the possibility to participate in major innovation actions and pilot projects. A Mission It also opens up new opportunities in networking, exchanging best practices between cities, and supporting the mobilization of citizens.

Next Steps

The European Commission will invite the 100 selected cities to draw up "city climate contractswhich will include a comprehensive plan for climate neutrality in all sectors, such as energy, buildings, waste management, and transport, as well as related investment plans. This process will involve citizens, research organizations, and the private sector.

The clear commitments made by the cities in their contracts will enable them to engage in dialogue with the EU, with national and regional authorities, and above all with their own citizens, in order to achieve this ambitious goal.

Also, taking into account that 377 cities have shown interest in participating in Mission, a EC is also preparing to provide support to cities that were not selected through, among other things, assistance to the Mission Platform and the creation of funding opportunities under the Work Program Mission Cities from Horizon Europe.

"I congratulate the cities selected today and look forward to the solutions they will develop to lead citizens and businesses towards a greener future."Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President of the European Green Pact, said in a statement."It's great that so many cities can participate in this initiative. We can help them realize their ambitions thanks to the EU budget for research and innovation."adds Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President for a Digitally Ready Europe. "I encourage all cities to liaise and collaborate with all stakeholders, including, of course, their citizens, so that we can achieve our ambitious goals."says Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.


In November 2021, cities were invited to submit expressions of interest in participating in the Mission. The deadline was January 31, 2022. In a first phase, the expressions of interest were evaluated by independent experts. The Commission then applied additional criteria to ensure geographical balance and diversity of cities in terms of size, impact and innovative ideas. In total, 377 cities expressed interest in participating in the Mission Cities. The 100 cities selected today are home to 12 % of the EU population. 

The Commission launched the Mission in September 2021, with the adoption of a Communication on EU Missions. The individual mission execution plans had already been approved in the summer of 2021. In addition to the Mission Citiesthere are four others EU missions covering the global challenges of adapting to climate change, restoring our oceans and waters, healthy soils, and cancer. On December 15, 2021, a specific work program for Horizon Europe missions

Missions are a new aspect of Horizon Europe and contribute to the achievement of Commission priorities such as European Ecological Pact, A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, o European Cancer Plan, An Economy at the Service of People and the New European Bauhaus. For example, the Climate Mission is already an integral part of the new Climate change adaptation strategythe Cancer Mission of the European Cancer Plan and the Solos Mission of EU's Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas.

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