Between gratuitousness and integration in Navegante: GIRA was discussed by CML

It was approved the gratuitousness of GIRA for Lisbon residents with Navegante pass. An integration of the city's public bike-sharing system into the public transport pass is a discussion that has been dragging on since 2019.

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Among the measures presented by Carlos Moedas in his anti-inflation package was make the city's public bike-sharing system free of charge "for people who reside in Lisbon". But during the discussion of the measure in a town hall meeting this Thursday, September 22, the original idea of Moedas' executive ended up being slightly altered: GIRA would be free only for residents with a Navigante Pass.

In fact, an integration of GIRA into the public transport pass is not a new topic. The idea has been circulating between town hall meetings, city council sessions, and public statements since at least 2019; and EMEL had already said it wanted to implement it, indicating dates that were never met.

Let's go to a short timeline:

  • in March 2019, the then Councilman for Mobility, Miguel Gaspar, opened the door to a possible integration of GIRA and other private soft mobility operators in the public transport passThere is an openness on CML's side for this to happen;
  • in July 2020, still during Medina's mandate, the PCP approved in a town hall meeting a proposal for the provision of free GIRA passes, with a certain plafond of hoursso that Lisbon residents could try out the service before eventually subscribing to an annual pass. It would not be an integration of GIRA into the pass but the offer of a free trial period to residents;
  • in July 2021, EMEL told Lisboa Para Pessoas who was working at "creation of a combined Navegante + GIRA" for September/October of that yearbut the intention was later pushed to the present year 2022;
  • on municipal elections of September 2021the inclusion of GIRA in Navegante was a promise made by the coalition that brought together PS, Livre and Cidadãos Por Lisboa ("integration of the GIRA system in the offer of the Navegante pass, with simplified payment"), of the coalition New Times of Coins ("add Gira bicycles to monthly public transport passes, promoting door-to-door mobility") and BE ("access to the GIRA bicycle network at no additional cost for Navegante pass holders"). The PCP, on the other hand, reinforced its will to "realize the free-of-charge pilot project" of GIRA for residents and also workers in Lisbon;
  • in November 2021, the newly elected Councilman for Mobility, Ângelo Pereira (PSD/New Times), indicated that the inclusion of GIRA bikes in the Navegante pass would enter in force in January of this year and that the measure would move forward without "any setback";
  • in February 2022, the BE approved by a majority in the City Council meeting a proposal, subscribed by Livre, to develop "the necessary procedures for the implementation of the gratuitousness of the GIRA network for those who have the Navegante or Navegante Metropolitano pass active". The councilors of the coalition New Times voted against, although they tended to favor the measure;
  • in March 2022, the ENP made a application to CML to find out where the measure stood. A month later, he received a reply, indicating that EMEL was "effectively studying the possibility of such integration" for the "users of Lisbon's public transport network"to evaluate the"molds of its effectuation, commercial and tariff"and to also examine the "impact" that the measure could have in the GIRA system in light of its characteristics.

We come, then, to the current time.

The original GIRA proposal that Moedas brought to a town hall meeting this week - integrated into your anti-inflation package - provided for "implementation of the free GIRA bicycle sharing system for people living in Lisbon, analyzing the possibility of extending this measure to those who study or work in Lisbon". But during the discussion of the different measures in the package, this particular proposal was eventually clarified in one detail: GIRA will be free for Lisbon residents, yes, but only if they have a "Navegante" pass.

The measure was eventually approved by a majority with the 10 votes in favor of the councilmen of the New Times (PSD + CDS), PCP, BE and Cidadãos Por Lisboa, five abstentions from PS, and one vote against from Livre. The Communists, on the other hand, saw an identical proposal rejected, suggesting that it should be free for all people who live, study or work in Lisbon, and not only for residents; was rejected with seven votes against from Novos Tempos, five abstentions from PS, and four votes in favor from PCP, BE, Livre, and Cidadãos Por Lisboa.

Now it remains to be seen when and how GIRA will be free of charge for Lisbon residents with a "Navegante" passor whether the issue will be postponed again. Currently, a GIRA pass costs 25 €/year, which is about 2 €/month. There is also a €15 monthly pass and a €2 daily pass for more sporadic use.

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