There are four guides, designed by the renowned Copenhagenize Design Co.Urban planning consulting firm, that seek to help understand the advantages of cargo bikes in the city, from the point of view of people, retailers, and mayors. The guides are available for free download on the Chamber's website and here:
This guide presents 20 good reasons to use a cargo bike and its almost limitless potential.
Aimed at families who want to choose a useful, efficient and effective means of transportation in their daily lives. Presentation of case studies with answers to questions from families all over Europe.
Guide to raise retailers' awareness of using cargo bikes with a new inspiration.
Geared toward those striving to create healthier, more efficient, and more sustainable cities, tips and case studies in various areas are presented.
The guides were developed in the scope of the project City Changer Cargo Bike (CCCB), which aims to work on raising awareness and informing the population about cargo bikes and their potential and aims to increase the change of mobility modes in the city. The CCCB is supported by the European program Horizon 2020 and brings together two dozen partners of several countries, including Portugal, with the association of Lisbon
As part of this project, the Municipality of Lisbon had a small fleet of cargo bicycles for loan to interested families. One of the people who experienced this form of transportation was Councilman Miguel Gaspar himself, who, through your Linkedin profilehe was sharing feedback.