GIRA free? "In a first stage", only for students and +65 years old

Measure was approved this Wednesday and should be implemented early next year. But, after all, it will only be for Lisbon residents who already have the free public transportation pass, "in a first phase".

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The integration measure of the GIRA system in the Navegante Pass should move forward in the first quarter of 2023According to the proposal approved today in the city council meeting. The new proposal details another one that had already been voted in favor at the end of Septemberas part of a package of anti-inflation measures presented by Moedas.

At the time, the proposal foresaw free GIRA shared bikes for holders of the Navegante pass, as long as they are residents of the city of Lisbon. The text voted on, being part of a broader package, did not detail the measure in its implementation. These details were today, November 9, known. The proposal brought to the meeting of the Council by Alderman Ângelo Pereira, and which was approved by a majority with an amendment from the PS (we'll get to that in a minute), determines that the GIRA will be integrated "during the 1st quarter of 2023" in the Navegante without additional costs, that is, that it becomes free of charge for pass holders. However, "in a first stage"this benefit will be exclusive to "population covered by the measure of free public transport"In other words, students up to the age of 23 and people over 65 who are tax residents in the city of Lisbon.

In more detail:

  • GIRA is free for Lisbon residents who are students (up to the age of 23, or 24 in the case of Medicine and Architecture courses) or older than 65;
  • startup during the 1st quarter of 2023that is, until March;
  • to get the free GIRA, you need have a Navegante card loaded with a valid pass in Lisbon, be it Municipal or Metropolitano.

In a second phase, "to be determined in due course"a possible extension of the measure will be evaluated "to the residents of the city of Lisbon, with fiscal residence in the municipality of Lisbon, and belonging to the age brackets between 24 and 64".. This evaluation will take into account factors such as "system operability" GIRA, that is, it will be evaluated if there are conditions in terms of stations and bicycles available for GIRA to receive more users through free of charge.

Councilman Ângelo Pereira's proposal was approved by a majority, with all parties voting in favor, except for the PS, which abstained. The socialists presented an amendment proposal so that the implementation of free GIRA in the first phase will happen in the 1st semester of 2023, but only under one condition: "provided that the 1600 existing bicycles are fully operational and in the system". The PS amendment was accepted by majority also, with the votes in favor of the socialist councilmen, the Novos Tempos, Livre and Cidadãos Por Lisboa councilmen; BE voted against and PCP abstained.

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